This past week(s) has been a whirlwind of experiences and emotions. From hearing the news, to stocking up on supplies, and different types of adjustments. It got me thinking about how so many different parts of the human existence is being brought up right now. Unknowns. Uncertainty. Fear. Confusion. Overwhelm. Worry for others. Worry for oneself. Loss. Survival. And a whole lot of mixed stuff this time is bringing up. Can you relate to any of that? Or maybe you have an entirely different experience? Living in this world can be hard. Living in this world right now can be even harder. Part of being human is experiencing all of these things: fear, worry, overwhelm, sadness, loss, disappointment and maybe even despair.

But if we stopped there, I am not sure there would be much hope or motivation. In these past week(s), I have been realizing that although the questions and fears have been big that there have been a lot of beauty in the midst of it. I have seen numerous people reach out to connect. I witnessed many others want to be together even if it's through phone calls or internet. There's been many people offering support to those in need. In my eyes, this is beauty that is rooted in the shared human existence of "being with one another because I am walking in your shoes."
Many times when people face depression, trauma, anxiety or other life impacting events it shapes their very existence. It's hard enough to face things that are difficult but when we feel like we are the only one that faces it it become almost unbearable. We can't change the things that have happened nor this pandemic that is happening but we can"share each other's burdens and walk through it together."
It's not uncommon for times like this to also remind us what is most important to us in life. Whether it be family, God, the people that mean most to us, or _______________. It reminds us to live fully. To press onto who we want to be in this life and what we can take with us.
I am not by any means trying to minimize any of the real challenges you, I, or the person next to us is facing and I am not trying to put a positive spin on things. But I do know that when we face the human experience of pain and suffering and are connected with love, support, honesty, compassion and understanding it can feel a little more bearable. I would even dare to call this some form of hope.
I encourage us to be gentle with ourselves during this hard time, seek and find the beauty even in the midst of the suffering and chaos. To press in, remind yourself, and live into what is most important. Let someone else know by word, action or prayer that they are "not alone" and that you are "walking with them." We all need each other.
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